This tutorial emphasises the abilities and usage of Xeus-cpp. Let’s get started! The tutorial demonstrates examples of C++ on Jupyter kernels.
Install the xeus-cpp from source using conda-forge for fetching dependencies.
Launch the Jupyter Notebook with either the C++17 or C++20 kernel available.
In a code cell, write the C++ code.
Run the code cell. The xeus-cpp kernel will compile and execute the code. The output would be displayed below the respective cell.

In this example, you can modify the code and execute the cell again to see the updated results. For example, you might change the values of n (function arguments) of the function nthFibonacci to see expected output. You can try out different examples to explore the features of C++.
The output of the cell will be displayed below once the code is executed and xeus-cpp provides an interactive environment, where you can promptly make the changes and prototype in C++.