Installation And Usage

Installation from source

To ensure that the installation works, it is preferable to install xeus-cpp in a fresh environment. It is also needed to use a miniforge or miniconda installation because with the full Anaconda installation you may have a conflict with the zeromq library which is already installed in the anaconda distribution. First clone the repository, and move into that directory

git clone --depth=1
cd ./xeus-cpp

The safest usage of xeus-cpp from source is to build and install it within a clean environment named xeus-cpp. You can create and activate this environment with mamba by executing the following

mamba create -n  "xeus-cpp"
source activate  "xeus-cpp"

We will now install the dependencies needed to compile xeux-cpp from source within this environment by executing the following

mamba install notebook cmake cxx-compiler xeus-zmq nlohmann_json=3.11.2 cppzmq
xtl jupyterlab CppInterOp cpp-argparse<3.1 pugixml doctest -c conda-forge

Now you can compile the kernel from the source by executing (replace $CONDA_PREFIX with a custom installation prefix if need be)

mkdir build && cd build
make && make install

Installing from conda-forge

If you have conda installed then you can install xeus-cpp using the follwing command

conda install conda-forge::xeus-cpp

Xeus-cpp is available for Linux, MacOS and Windows.